Wednesday, May 2, 2012

He Will Provide

Today we are sending off a great deal of money to our agency.  Twenty eight years of work and dedication from my husband to his employer is how we have the means for this initial payment. Are we worried that we are compromising our future financial security? No:)

The money is not ours it's HIS.

It is so easy to evaluate what and if we should do something based upon what WE can afford. That is saying the money is ours.
When we see it as God's money, and provision for us to accomplish what His will is for our life, w'ere reminded that it's not ours. We're just stewards over it. We must use it for what He wants us to use it for, and trust that when more is needed the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills will provide it.

I hope to have the faith and confidence in God's provision as George Mueller did. I know it takes one step of faith at a time to get there.

Our family is taking that first step; gathering all we have as a family, thanking God for what He has already provided and trusting He will provide the rest to bring Maida Grace home.


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