We are in that place of the adoption journey where we have no control over anything other than what we do while waiting on God. It is a hard place for me. I like to feel some control and power in circumstances. Somehow I think there will be a more favorable outcome if I'm involved some how. I like to see it as healthy contributing lol.
All the paper work is done that needs to be done to get two countries to determine whether we may bring Maida home or not. It's such a scary and vulnerable feeling right now. My heart aches to be in Congo and to begin to mother my new daughter. To protect her, nourish her and love her. But I must wait on God to move. I must wait and trust and have confidence in Him. I must encourage myself in the Lord as David did in 1Samuel 30:6.
On our way home from church yesterday we talked about all that needs to be done before going to get Maida, and the many things that need to be done for us here at home. Theres so much to do. I'm happy for that. It will help to fill the days.
We did get our biometrics appointment in the mail on Friday, so very happy about that! But it was for my husband and I only. Our three oldest daughters must be fingerprinted but we did not recieve their appointments yet. I am trusting, I really am, even when it may appear to everyone else that I'm fretting; truly I'm trusting God. He has more than proven to me and my family over the years that He loves us, He knows our name and our address and we can rest most assuredly in Him.
Today how I am going to wait on God is by encouraging myself in the Lord.
To remind myself of His love and goodness.
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