Even though Im forty six and come off as " got it all together", strong, and confident, fact is... I'm not. I second guess myself often because I want to do what's right, say what's right and I'm very aware I don't know always know what that is by simply looking back over my forty plus years and seeing the evidence of my ignorance.
So I hedge and I run more than I stand and fight to live and teach what I believe out of fear of being ostracized and out of fear of being wrong. Now here is where I'm going to tie in this odd post with adoption: I have strong feelings about adoption. And I have found that adoption is not embraced by lots of people who can be pretty cutthroat and certain they are right and I am wrong for brining someone else's child into my home. Their reasons are vast, and since I have done two adoptions back to back I have seen and witnessed those who object and even those who say they are for adoption but actions say otherwise.
It sent me into a tailwind of emotions and thoughts. And as I've gone inward and outward sorting this all out for myself I've come to the conclusion that I live and speak MY convictions and beliefs and should exercise the freedom to do so without concern over offending someone because there are those who offend me and those whose lives and beliefs are different than my own and no one is going to adapt their belief and life system for me so why not live my life out according to my own convictions and beliefs without the need to apologize or be ashamed for thinking and living different than they.
Ah, this post is doing me more good than you probably right? That's ok... I'm good with that;)
So here's the bottom line... I have lots to say, about lots of things. I have felt like I've been on the spin cycle in the wash machine since international adoption has been a decision we as a family made over a year ago, and praise God, He pushed the stop button and told me to get over myself and my inhibitions and give the message He's given me to give. And if I'm wrong He will be sure to point it out and I will be quick to say... I was wrong. And I will apologize and admit my mistakes to anyone who may still be lurking listeners;)
So here's something's you should know about me straight up:
I'm a Christian. The kind that believes that Jesus was sent to pardon me from my sin so that I can have peace with God and be able to enjoy Him and His presence forever.
I'm the kind of Christian who believes that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, written Word of God and is the blueprint for every believer to know how to live as our creator intended for us to live in order that He receives all the glory and receives a faithful testament to Himself through our obedience.
I believe adoption is and was purposed as a means to be a defender of the fatherless. " Defend the poor and fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and destitute. Psalms 82:3".
This is the definition of defend:
To drive danger or attack away. To maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism.
Synonyms: protect, shield, guard, safeguard.
I believe that Jesus wants the little children to be able to come unto Him, " But Jesus said, " Let the little children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
I believe parents are the best option for children to be ushered to the knees of Jesus.
I believe adoption is a God created plan as a substitute/bridge for those who without it would be left to die without a family and the blessings meant to be provided through it.
I believe everyone who calls themselves a follower of Christ is commanded to either care for or help others care for the widows and orphans.
I believe Satan hates families, and works overtime in the preventing of families being created and destroyed because families are Gods plan to bear witness of Himself and His purpose of mankind.
How's this for a start in what I believe?
So be forewarned:
this blog is going to be used to shout from the rooftops what I believe about adoption, and family in general, and I will make no apologies for my beliefs and I will ask none from you for yours.
Now lets hug and get on with our Saturday,
You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,
defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror.
Psalms 82: 17-18